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用户条款 (需要)


Article 1 (Purpose)
① The purpose of these Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter referred to as “Terms and Conditions”) is to provide for the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of EBS (Educational Broadcasting System; hereinafter referred to as “Corporation”) and the User (as defined below) in relation to the User’s utilization of EBS online Services (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”).
② These Terms and Conditions shall apply to the Services (*.ebs.co.kr, *.ebsi.co.kr, *.ebse.co.kr, *.ebsmath.co.kr, *.ebssw.kr, *.ebsoc.co.kr) provided by the Corporation, while the services being provided by the Corporation’s business partners shall be subject to the general terms and conditions other than these Terms and Conditions.

Article 2 (Validity and Modifications)
① These Terms and Conditions shall come into effect through public notice given on the Service Web site provided by the Corporation or otherwise.
② When the Corporation intends to modify these Terms and Conditions, the Corporation shall give public notice of the proposed modification, together with the current Terms and Conditions then in effect, on the initial display page of the Services by clearly stating the effective date of and reason for such modification, starting on the date 10 days (or 30 days, in case of any modification that may be unfavorable or otherwise critical to the User) prior to the effective date up to 10 days thereafter and shall send to the existing members, by mail, the proposed modification to these Terms and Conditions, the effective date of and reasons for such modification (including explanation of the important terms and conditions among the proposed modification), addressed to their respective e-mail addresses.
③ If a member does not agree to any modification to these Terms and Conditions, the member may request the withdrawal of membership. If a member continues using any modification hereto even after 10 days from the effective date of such modification without expressing his/her intent to refuse to agree to such modification, the member shall be deemed to have agreed to such modification.

Article 3 (Applicable Rules other than these Terms and Conditions)
① These Terms and Conditions shall apply, together with the User’s guide to each of the Services provided by the Corporation.
② All matters that are not expressly provided herein shall be subject to applicable laws, including but not limited to the Framework Act on Telecommunications, the Telecommunications Business Act, and the Act on Promotion of Information & Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., and the User’s guide to the Services, established by the Corporation.

Article 4 (Definitions)
① As used herein, the following key words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:
1. User: a person who has signed a service user agreement with the Corporation and uses membership-based services.
2. User Identification (ID): a combination of letters and numbers that are selected by each User and assigned by the Corporation at the time of signing the user agreement to identify the User and enable the User to utilize the Services.
3. Password: a combination of letters and numbers set up by each User him/herself to protect his/her own secrets.
4. Terminal: means a personal computer, modem, etc., installed by each User to be provided with the Services.
5. Use of the Services: use of the information provided by the Corporation by each User through his/her terminals.
6. Internet Services: the services provided, as connected to computer networks all over the world such as electronic mails, file transmission, remote log-in, Web, etc.
7. User Agreement: an agreement entered into between the Corporation and each User in relation to the use of the Services.
8. EBS money: the cyber money made so that it can be used for members to use or purchase any pay services and commodities.
9. In-app payment (in-app payment, in-app payment): Using the payment function provided by the app market operator when purchasing paid services and products in the EBS application, functions provided by the app market operator's app store (Apple) and the play store (Google) It acts as a payment.
② Except for those defined in subsection 1 above, other words and expressions used herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in applicable laws and the User’s guide to each of the Services.


Article 5 (Types of Users)
① All Users who use EBS online Services shall refer to all members having subscribed to the Internet services provided by the Corporation.
② A member shall be eligible to use all free services provided by the Corporation and also use all pay services, upon payment of the prescribed fee. (For the avoidance of doubt, some of the allied services, to which the User is required to separately subscribe, shall be excluded from the scope of the user agreement between the Corporation and the User.)

Article 6 (Conclusion of a User Agreement)
① In subscribing to the Services, if the applicant has read these Terms and Conditions and clicks on the “I agree” button, the applicant shall be deemed to agree to these Terms and Conditions.
② If the User intends to use a pay service, the user agreement shall be concluded when the User pays the prescribed charge (membership fee) to the Corporation after having agreed to these Terms and Conditions in such a manner as provided in subsection 1 above. In such a case, the Corporation shall confirm the conclusion of such user agreement, process the User’s certification, and then advise the User, by e-mail or through public notice given otherwise, that the User is eligible to use such services.
③ The User agreement shall be concluded when the applicant subscribing to the Services has agreed to these Terms and Conditions and the Corporation accepts the subscription made by the applicant.

Article 7 (Subscription to the Services)
① A person who wishes to become a member and use the Services shall apply for membership by entering the required information in the membership application form prescribed by the Corporation.
② A child under 14 years of age shall subscribe to the Services only after he/she has obtained consent from his/her legal representative, including parents. The foregoing provision shall also apply when a minor intends to use any pay service.

Article 8 (Acceptance of Subscriptions to the Services)
① With respect to subscriptions to the Services under Article 7 hereof, the Corporation shall accept such subscriptions in the order of receipt thereof unless the Corporation is required to do otherwise under any special circumstances.
② Upon the occurrence of any event falling into the following categories, the Corporation may limit or withhold its acceptance of such subscription until the event in question ceases to exist any longer:
1. Relevant facilities related to the Services have no rooms for such subscription;
2. Technological problems exist; or
3. Otherwise, the Corporation deems it necessary to do so, taking its circumstances into account
③ The Corporation may not accept any subscription to the Services, if the Corporation becomes aware of any of the following:
1. The subscription is not made in the applicant’s real name;
2. The subscription is made in the name of another person;
3. The subscription is made by entering false information;
4. The subscription is made with the intention to disturb public peace and order or good public morals;
5. A child under 14 years of age has not obtained consent from his/her legal representative (such as parents and so on);
6. It is impossible to approve the subscription in question because of a cause attributable to the User, or the subscription is made otherwise in violation of the relevant provisions of applicable laws or User’s guide(s); or
7. The subscription fails to meet any of the requirements prescribed by the Corporation.
④ If the Corporation has withheld its acceptance of or has elected not to accept the subscription made by an applicant, pursuant to subsection 2 or 3 above, the Corporation shall advise the applicant thereof. For the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing provision shall not apply where the Corporation is prevented from advising the applicant thereof through no fault of the Corporation.

Article 9 (Protection and Use of Personal Information)
① The Corporation protects and attaches importance to protecting the User’s personal information.
② The Corporation makes its utmost endeavors to ensure that the personal information provided to the Corporation by the User online in the course of using the Services can be protected. For this purpose, the Corporation has developed and complies with its privacy policy, based on applicable laws that telecommunication service providers are required to abide by, such as the Protection of Communications Secrets Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Act on Promotion of Information & Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., and the Act on the Protection of Personal Information Maintained by Public Agencies, etc. For more details, please refer to the Corporation’s privacy policy.
③ The Corporation collects the information on the User through the information provided by the User in subscribing to the Services, the information provided by the User in order to participate in community activities and other diverse events (including broadcasting), and otherwise through the information and so on collected in the course of using the Services by the User. The User’s personal information shall be used for the purpose of performing this user agreement and providing the Services under this user agreement.
④ The Corporation may not disclose or distribute to a third party or use for any commercial purposes any of the User’s personal information that the Corporation has acquired in relation to the provision of the Services, without the consent of the User, except where it is:
1. Necessary to do so in order to adjust the charges for the provision of telecommunication services;
2. Necessary to do so for the purpose of statistical estimation, academic research, or market survey, where such personal information is provided as processed in such form that cannot be used to identify any specific person;
3. Required by investigative agencies in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed by applicable law for investigation purposes
4. Specifically provided in any other law; or
5. Required by the Korea Internet Safety Commission
⑤ The Corporation may transmit cookies to the User’ computers through the Services. The User may reset their browser settings to refuse to accept cookies or issue a warning against accepting cookies.

Article 10 (Correction of Personal Information)
① A member may access and correct his/her personal information, at any time, through the personal information management; provided, however, that the essential information necessary for the management of the Services may not be corrected, including but not limited to the member’s name, gender, and ID.
② In case of changes in the information entered by a member at the time of having subscribed to the Services, the member shall correct such information online and shall be solely responsible for all problems arising because of the member’s failure to correct his/her member information.


Article 11 (The Corporation’s Obligation)
① The Corporation shall make its utmost endeavors to provide the Services on a continuing basis and in a stable manner, except where any of the following events have occurred:
1. Occurrence of unavoidable circumstances such as repair, regular checkup of the equipment used to provide the Services or other works related thereto;
2. Any major telecommunication service provider under the Telecommunications Business Act has suspended the provision of telecommunication service;
3. In case of war (or war threats), armed conflict, act of god, or other similar national emergency;
4. The use of the Services is hindered because of equipment failure, access link congestion, or otherwise
② If the use of the Services is suspended or hindered for 1 or more consecutive days because of a cause attributable to the Corporation, the Corporation shall extend the period in which members can use online pay services. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, in case of occurrence of a force majeure event, checkup or repair of the equipment for the purpose of improving the Services for the User, it shall not be included in the period of suspension of or hindrance to the use of the Services if prior notice has been given by the service provider within a reasonable time.
③ The Corporation shall handle the matters related to the criteria, scope, methods, and procedures for compensation to the User for the damages caused by any defective content or otherwise, in accordance with its Content User Protection Guidelines.
④ The Corporation shall promptly handle the comment or complaint raised by the User through proper procedures if it is objectively deemed that such comment or complaint is justifiable. If unable to handle the same promptly, the Corporation shall advise the User of the reason therefor and the expected schedule of handling thereof.
⑤ The Corporation shall keep the User’s information strictly confidential and shall use such information solely for the purpose of providing or improving the Services and shall not provide such information to a third institution or person for any other purposes whatsoever, except where it is:
1. Required by investigative agencies for investigation purposes pursuant to applicable laws
2. Required by the Korea Internet Safety Commission
3. Otherwise required in accordance with the procedure prescribed by applicable laws

Article 12 (User’s Obligations)
① The User shall comply with the provisions of applicable laws and these Terms and Conditions, the instructions contained in the User’s guide or announced in the Services, and notices given by the Corporation from time to time and shall not commit any act that may interfere with the business of the Corporation.
② The User shall neither engage in any profit-seeking activities without the prior consent of the Corporation nor shall distribute or post any data or materials against applicable laws, using the Services.
③ The User shall be responsible for keeping and managing his/her own ID and password and shall be solely responsible for the consequences of using his/her own ID and password. In addition, if the User finds that his/her own ID and password have been used without his/her consent, the User shall immediately inform the Corporation thereof.
④ The User shall not commit any of the following acts, in relation to the Services:
1. An act of copying, reproducing, modifying, translating, publishing, broadcasting, or otherwise using or providing another person with the information acquired using the Services, without the prior consent of the Corporation;
2. An act of disturbing social order, including without limitation posting vulgar or obscene publications or linking or spreading obscene Web sites that violate public order and good public morals;
3. An act of libeling or insulting another person or infringing on another person’s intellectual property or other rights;
4. An act of hacking or spreading computer viruses; transmitting any given content (such as advertising information) on a continuing basis against recipients’ own will;
5. An act of illegally using other User’s ID;
6. An act of collecting and other User’s personal information;
7. An act of assuming the name of another person, including but not limited to employees and managers of the Corporation;
8. An act of falsifying the sender of the content transmitted through the Services;
9. An act of stalking or otherwise harassing another person;
10. Any act that hinders or is likely to hinder the management of the Services;
11. An act of violating any of the regulations or conditions of use established by the Corporation, including these Terms and Conditions;
12. Any act that is objectively deemed related to a crime; or
13. Any other act that is against applicable laws

Article 13 (No Assignment)
No User shall assign, donate, or hypothecate to a third party his/her rights to use the Services or other contractual status under the user agreement.


Article 14 (Scope of Use of the Services)
The User shall be entitled to use the Services provided by the EBS Internet Service by just using the single ID issued by the Corporation at the time of subscribing to the Services. In some cases, however, the aforesaid ID may not be applied to the content provided by the Corporation’s business partner other than the Corporation.

Article 15 (Hours of Use of the Services)
① The Corporation shall immediately commence the provision of the Services, from the time when the Corporation has accepted the User’s subscription to the Services.
② In principle, the User’s hours of use of the Services shall be 24 hours per day throughout the year, unless the Corporation is exceptionally hindered in terms of business or technology. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, the Services shall not be made available for use on such day or at such time as prescribed by the Corporation to check, expand, and replace the system and, in such a case, the Corporation shall inform the User thereof through public notice, by e-mail or otherwise.
③ The Corporation may separately designate the hours of use with respect to part of the Services, in which case the Corporation shall inform the User thereof through public notice, by e-mail or otherwise.

Article 16 (Provision of Information)
The Corporation may provide the User with a variety of information that the Corporation deems possibly necessary by the User in the course of using the Services, through public notice, by e-mail or otherwise.

Article 17 (Charges, Pay Content, Change of Content Service, etc.)
① In principle, the Services shall be provided by the Corporation free of charge; provided, however, that pay services and pay information shall be used by the User only upon payment of the charge specified therein.
② The scope of pay VOD/AOD content and the price list shall be announced separately and the charges for online courses and other pay content and methods of payment shall be subject to the provisions stated in the services in question.
③ The method of refunding EBS money is in accordance with the EBS money policy set separately by the public corporation, and members who want to refund EBS money must follow the EBS money policy.
④ The Corporation may change the content services it provides in accordance with its operational and technical needs, if there are significant reasons.
⑤ The Corporation shall post the details of the content service, the method of use, and the time of use on the initial screen for at least seven days before the change, the reason for the change, the details of the content service to be changed, and the date of provision.

Article 18 (Payment Cancelation and Refund)
① When the Corporation is unable to continue to provide any pay service because of unavoidable circumstances and the User requests a refund of the unused portion of the charge already paid, the Corporation shall refund the same to the account designated by the User. A refund of the unused portion of such charge shall be subject to the refund policy established by the Corporation.
② Where the User has prepaid the charge for the Services and then intends to cancel his/her subscription to the Services, the User may request to the Customer Service for cancelation of his/her subscription, in person or through the inquiry and bulletin board, by stating the reason for cancelation.
③ Upon receipt of such refund or cancelation request, the Corporation may respond to such refund or cancelation request pursuant to the refund policy stated on the respective Internet service Web site for such service. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the Corporation may not accept the refund request made by the User, if:
1. The User fails to use the Services within the prescribed period through the User’s fault;
2. The expenses incurred for such refund exceeds the unused portion of charge;
3. The refund request is made after the User has withdrawn his/her membership from the Services;
4. The content is available for use for a short time or for an one-time use only (e.g., a single-page view, 24-hour free ticket);
5. Otherwise, it is found that the refund request was not made for a good reason acceptable to the Corporation.
④ The Corporation shall refund the charge for any online content within 3 business days from the date of receipt of cancelation or termination notice given by the User. In case of commodities, however, the refund policy stated in the refund on the respective Internet service Web site shall apply and the charge for such commodities shall be refunded within 3 business days after it is confirmed that the commodities in question have been received.
⑤ The service provider shall refund the payment made by the User in the same manner as the charge for using the Services has been paid and, if unable to refund in the same manner, shall give prior notice to the User thereof.
⑥ In case of commodities downloaded on a chargeable basis among the Services provided by the Corporation, no refund shall be allowed, in principle, as such commodities cannot be collected once they have been downloaded and the value of such commodities are transferred to the User.
⑦ Upon the occurrence of any overpayment, the Corporation shall refund 100% of the payment made by the User in the same manner as the charge for using the Services has been paid and, if unable to refund in the same manner, shall give prior notice to the User thereof. In addition, if the Corporation should refuse to refund the overpayment claimed by the member, the Corporation shall have the burden of proving that the charge for using the Services has been duly calculated and claimed.
⑧ If any overpayment has occurred because of a cause attributable to the Corporation, the service provider shall refund such overpayment in full, regardless of the charges payable in relation thereto. If any overpayment has occurred because of a cause attributable to the User, the expenses incurred by the Corporation in refunding such overpayment shall be borne by the User, to a reasonable extent.
⑨ The Corporation shall handle the refund of overpayment in accordance with its Content User Protection Guidelines.

Article 19 (Return and Exchange of Commodities; Refund)
① In canceling the purchase of any commodities (such as teaching materials), if the purchaser returns such commodities, at its own expense, to the designated place within 30 days after payment therefor is made and in such a condition as before their packaging is opened (that is, before the commodities are damaged), the payment made for such commodities shall be refunded to the purchaser after it is confirmed that the returned commodities have been duly received.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, the purchaser shall not request any return or exchange at all, if:
1. The teaching materials purchased have been damaged or used; or
2. The value of commodities has so significantly decreased because of elapse of time that such commodities can hardly be resold;
② Both-way delivery charges and other expenses for such returns and exchanges shall be borne by the party responsible for such returns or exchanges.
③ With respect to the expenses incurred for exchanges, both-way delivery charges arising because of defects in the commodities shall be borne by the Corporation, while such both-way delivery charges shall be borne by the purchaser if the purchaser has just changed his/her mind and requests such exchanges.
④ Even when such exchanges have been duly requested but the Corporation has no commodities in stock to replace the defective commodities, the commodities cannot be replaced at all. In such a case, the commodities shall be treated as returns.
⑤ A refund resulting from returns and exchanges of commodities shall be subject to the provisions of Article 18 (Payment Cancelation and Refund) hereof.

Article 20 (Postings by User)
The Corporation may delete any of the content posted or registered by the User within the Services without prenotice if it is deemed that such content falls into any of the following categories, and may place further restrictions on the User’s use of the bulletin board, if the User violates the Corporation’s posting policy again for the same reason as mentioned above, even after deletion of such postings:
1. The content of the nature libeling another member or a third party through slander or defamation;
2. Spreading or linking any content that is against public order and good public morals;
3. The content of the nature that is objectively deemed related to any criminal acts;
4. The content that infringes on the Corporation’s copyrights or a third party’s copyrights and other rights;
5. The content exceeding the posting period or the volume prescribed by the Corporation;
6. Advertisements for profit-seeking purposes;
7. The content that is against the posting principles prescribed by the Corporation or not in conformity to the nature of the bulletin board;
8. Otherwise, the content that is deemed to be against applicable laws.

Article 21 (Copyright in Postings)
① All rights to and responsibilities for postings remain with the person(s) having posted such postings and the Corporation shall not use such postings for any profit-seeking purposes, without the consent of the person having posted such postings. For the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing provision shall not apply where such postings are used by the Corporation for nonprofit seeking purposes and, accordingly, the Corporation shall have the right to post such postings within the Services.
② No member shall, at his/her discretion, process or sell the information he/she has acquired, using the Services, or otherwise use any of the materials posted within the Services for any commercial purposes or on behalf of a third party.
③ The Corporation may delete or remove, without prenotice, or refuse to register postings (or the content thereof) posted or registered by the User within the Services if such postings or the content thereof is deemed to fall into any of the categories under Article 20 hereof.

Article 22 (Suspension and Limitation of Provision of the Services)
① In case of a free service, the Corporation may modify or suspend the provision of such service in whole or in part at any time, whenever necessary, in which case the Corporation shall immediately give notice thereof to the User through public notice, by e-mail or otherwise.
② The Corporation may suspend the provision of the Services, if:
1. Occurrence of unavoidable circumstances, such as repair of the equipment used to provide the Services or other works related thereto; or
2. Any major telecommunication service provider under the Telecommunications Business Act has suspended the provision of telecommunication service;
③ If the use of the Services is hindered because of any national emergency, equipment failure, access link congestion, or otherwise, the Corporation may suspend or limit the provision of the Services and may further cease to provide the Services currently provided by the Corporation, on grounds that the Corporation deems appropriate.
④ The Corporation may conduct regular checkup, if necessary for the provision of the Services, and the timing of such regular checkup shall be announced through public notice on the Web site page for the Services.

Article 23 (Posting of Advertisements and Transactions with Advertisers)
① The basis of investment in the Services, which enables the Corporation to provide the User with the Services, shall be derived from the revenues earned through advertisements. A person intending to use the Services shall be deemed to consent to the posting of such advertisements that are exposed to him/her while the Services is used by that person.
② The Corporation shall not be liable to the User for the loss and damages suffered, if any, as a result of participating in the advertisers’ promotional activities that are already posted within the Services or carried out through the Services or communicating or transacting with such advertisers.


Article 24 (Eligibility to Use EBS Money)
① The Corporation may not approve or, revoke approval of, any subscription to EBS money settlement that falls into any of the following categories:
1. The User fails to pay the charge settled by EBS money or it is impossible to identify the User having paid such charge;
2. It is deemed impossible to approve the proposed EBS money settlement, because of a cause attributable to the User;
3. The User steals another person’s settlement information or engages in transactions in an illegal manner;
4. The User uses the Services, by stealing another person’s name or other personal information;
5. The User assigns or transfers to a third party his/her rights to EBS money service;
6. The User commits any illegal acts by misapplying the means of settlement; or
7. The User violates these Terms and Conditions, the Corporation’s other conditions of use, applicable laws, etc.
② Upon the occurrence of any of the following events, the Corporation may limit or withhold approval of any subscription to EBS money settlement falling into any of the following categories, until such event ceases to exist:
1. It is deemed that, because of a shortage of the equipment for the Services, it cannot provide satisfactory Services for all Users;
2. There exists any technological problems in relation to the provision of the Services; or
3. There has occurred any hindrance to the respective means of settlement because of hindrance to or checkup by providers thereof, etc., and, as a result of it, the settlement service cannot be provided.
③ If a member voluntarily withdraws his/her membership, the remaining amount of EBS money in hand may be refunded to the member pursuant to the provisions of Article 26 (Refund of EBS money) hereof and shall expire automatically if the member withdraws his/her membership without getting a refund.

Article 25 (Refund of EBS Money)
① A member who wishes to terminate the user agreement (or get a refund) shall request to the EBS Customer Service Center for termination (or refund), in person or through the inquiry and bulletin board, by stating the reason for cancelation, as prescribed by the Corporation.
② All matters related to such termination (or refund) shall be subject to the provisions of Article 18 (Payment Cancelation and Refund) hereof.
③ If the User requests a refund of the balance of EBS money remaining after it has been used by the User, the Corporation shall refund such balance of the EBS money after having deducted a refund charge equal to 10% of the amount thereof on account of a settlement agency fee and any other expenses related thereto.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, the EBS money falling into any of the following categories shall not be refunded at all:
1. The EBS money provided by the Corporation, free of charge, through diverse events or otherwise;
2. The member is found to have entered into the user agreement or made payments in an illegal manner, including but not limited to stealing another person’s name or payment information; or
3. The amount to be refunded is less than KRW 1,000 (which amount shall be treated as settlement agency fee or remittance fee.)
④ Notwithstanding the provision of subsection 3 above, the remaining balance of EBS money falling into any of the following categories shall be refunded in full:
1. It is deemed that the member has been prevented from using the Services properly because of a cause attributable to the Corporation. If any overpayment has occurred because of a cause attributable to the member, the expenses incurred by the Corporation in refunding such overpayment shall be borne by the member, to the reasonable extent; or
2. There are no services available for use by the member at all, for which the Corporation has the full responsibilities.
⑤ The Corporation shall handle the refund of overpayment in accordance with its Content-User Protection Guidelines.


Article 26 (Withdrawal of Subscriptions; Termination of User Agreement; Restrictions on Use)
① Once the User has entered into a user agreement with the Corporation with respect to the use of content, the User may withdraw his/her subscription within 7 days from the date of notice confirming receipt thereof. For the avoidance of doubt, the User’s right to withdraw such subscription may be limited if the Corporation has taken any of the following actions:
1. The fact regarding the content subscriptions to which cannot be withdrawn is included in the notice;
2. Any trial commodities have been provided; or
3. Any methods of temporary or partial use have been offered
② The User may cancel or terminate the content user agreement within 3 months from the date of supply of the content in question or 30 days from the date when the User becomes or could have become aware of the aforementioned fact, if:.
1. The content agreed upon in the user agreement is not provided;
2. The content provided is different or has significant differences from the content described in the label, advertisements or otherwise;
3. Otherwise, it is materially impossible to use the content because of defects therein
③ The withdrawal of subscription under subsection 1 above and the cancelation or termination of the user agreement under subsection 2 above shall come into effect when the User has expressed his/her intent to the Corporation by phone, e-mail or facsimile.
④ After the Corporation has received the User’s intent to withdraw his/her subscription or cancel or terminate the user agreement, as expressed by the User pursuant to subsection 3 above, the Corporation shall promptly advise the User thereof accordingly.
⑤ If a member intends to terminate the user agreement, the member shall withdraw his/her membership in person, using the membership withdrawal menu existing within the Services.
⑥ The Corporation may terminate the user agreement or suspend the provision of the Services for a given period, without prenotice, if a member breaches Article 12 hereof or commits any act falling into any of the following categories in the course of using the Services:
1. An act that is against public order and good public morals;
2. An act related to any criminal acts;
3. The member plans to use or actually uses the Services with the intention to harm national or public interest;
4. The member has stolen another person’s ID and password;
5. The member has become a member in the name other than the member’s real name;
6. The member damages another person’s fame or causes any disadvantage or another person;
7. The User has made double registration using different IDs;
8. The User uses an ID and nickname to assume the name of another person, including but not limited to employees and managers of the Corporation;
9. The User does harm to the Services or otherwise causes hindrance to the sound use thereof;
10. The User violates applicable laws or the conditions of use prescribed by the Corporation.
11. In case of violation of other related laws or conditions of use set by the Corporation
⑦ The User may raise an objection to the cancelation or termination of the user agreement and limitation of use by the Corporation. If the User proves that none of the foregoing breach or violation has arisen because of his/her willful acts or negligence, the Corporation shall allow the member to use the Services and take proper measures to extend the use period by the period of time when the member has been suspended from using the Services.
⑧ While a member has been using the Services and if there is no record showing that he/she has logged in the Corporation’s Services to use the same for 1 consecutive years, the Corporation may disqualify the member’s membership.


We would like to express our gratitude to the members using EBS, and we will guide you through the rules regarding refunds below.

In order to cancel a payment or receive a refund, the refund request must be correctly informed of the following refund request items.
For refund requests that are normally received, we will process the refund policy below based on the date of receipt.
When applying for a refund, if the information entered is incorrect, refund will not be accepted, and this may result in partial refund or non-refundable for the refund requested by the member.
* Refund request item: ID/name/name of course to receive refund/contact information/e-mail/payment method/refund reason
If you use the use inquiry bulletin board when applying for a refund, there is a risk of personal information exposure, so please make a refund after making a 1:1 email inquiry or contacting the customer center by phone.
-In the case of a refund, the standard of'course' is treated as the history of watching videos and accessing the learning window. Please note that even if the actual video is not played to the end, it will be included in the course history.
(eBook products are non-refundable once downloaded and will not be refunded unless you request a refund within 7 days.)
-EBS complies with related laws such as the Consumer Protection Act in Electronic Commerce, the Content Industry Promotion Act, and the Content User Protection Guidelines (notified by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism), and gives priority to the contents set in the relevant laws.
-If there is an error in the application of EBS's law, the user may request correction, and in this case, EBS will handle it according to the relevant laws and the interpretation of the authority of the relevant institution.
※ For in-app purchases, follow the market's refund policy. For more information, you can check the link below.
1. Google Play Store : https://play.google.com/intl/ko_kr/about/play-terms.html
2. Apple App Store : http://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/appstore/kr/terms.html

Article 27 (Liability for Damages)
The Corporation shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising with respect to those that do not correspond to the matters prescribed in the privacy policy, in relation to the use of the services provided free of charge among the Services by the Corporation.

Article 28 (Indemnification)
① The Corporation makes no warranties with respect to the content of the information, data, or facts posted or transmitted by the User through the Services, including but not limited to the accuracy and reliability thereof, and shall not be liable to the User for any damages arising out of the latter’s selection or use of the materials related to the Services.
② The Corporation shall not be liable to the User for any damages related to the expected profit and loss or arising out of the materials acquired by the User through the Services.
③ The Corporation shall neither have obligation to involve itself in any of the disputes among Users or between the User and a third party arising out of or in connection with the Services nor shall be liable for any damages arising as a result of it.
④ The Corporation shall be released from all responsibilities for any hindrance to using the Services that has occurred because of a cause attributable to the User.
⑤ When the User has breached these Terms and Conditions, the User shall be fully liable to the Corporation for all damages suffered as a result of it, if any, and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Corporation from and against such damages.

Article 29 (Dispute Settlement)
① With respect to all lawsuits brought by a party to the other party in relation to the content user agreement, both parties shall submit to the jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the address, or failing which, residence of the User then in effect when such lawsuits have been brought.
② If the address or residence of the User is not clearly known when any lawsuit is brought, the competent court shall be determined in accordance with the Civil Procedure Act.

Article 30 (Filing of Complaints, etc.)
The Corporation is operating the EBS Customer Service Center for the User to have an avenue wherein he/she file his/her complaints concerning the Corporation or request relief for damages. The User may file complaints regarding member information, inquiry as to moving pictures, payments, refund, etc., or request relief for damages, though the EBS Customer Service Center.
* EBS Customer service center: 1588-1580 (at the expense of the caller)

1. These terms and conditions will be applied from Aug 20, 2024.
2. The previous terms and conditions in effect from June 18, 2024, will be replaced by these terms and conditions.
3. Paid/free VOD/AOD service is serviced until a separate service suspension notice.
# However, the service may be canceled without separate notice due to reasons such as portrait rights and copyright.

※Attachments: Duration of EBS VOD / AOD pay / free program services)
EBS패밀리사이트 권장사양정보
OS CPU Memory 그래픽카드 Network속도
Window 10 Core2 Duo 이상 4G 이상 1G 이상의 Nvidia
또는 동급의 그래픽 카드
1M 이상
Mac OS 10.5(Yosemite) 이상 Core2 Duo 이상 4G 이상 1G 이상의 Nvidia
또는 동급의 그래픽 카드
1M 이상
Window 10 Core2 Duo 이상 4G 이상 1G 이상의 Nvidia
또는 동급의 그래픽 카드
1M 이상
iOS 10.3 이상 1M 이상
Android OS 4.4 이상
Windows 10
MacOS10.5(Yosemite) 이상
Core2 Duo 이상 4G 이상 1G 이상의 Nvidia
또는 동급의 그래픽 카드
고화질:1.5M 이상
Android OS 4.4 이상
EBSe Windows 10 Core2 Duo 이상 4G 이상 1G 이상의 Nvidia
또는 동급의 그래픽 카드
고화질:1.5M 이상
MacOS10.5(Yosemite) 이상 Core2 Duo 이상 4G 이상
EBSMath Windows 10 Core2 Duo 이상 4G 이상 1G 이상의 Nvidia
또는 동급의 그래픽 카드
고화질:1.5M 이상
MacOS10.5(Yosemite) 이상 Core2 Duo 이상 4G 이상
Windows 10 Core2 Duo 이상 4G 이상 1M 이상
Mac OS
Intel Core Duo
1.83GHz 이상
4G 이상 1M 이상
Windows 10 Core2 Duo 이상 4G 이상 1G 이상의 Nvidia
또는 동급의 그래픽 카드
1M 이상
Mac OS
Intel Core Duo
1.83GHz 이상
Windows 10 Core i5 3.0 이상 선생님 : 8G 이상
학생 : 4G 이상
1G 이상의 Nvidia
또는 동급의 그래픽 카드
1.5Mbps 이상
※ 화상수업 : 100Mbps이상
Mac OS
10.5(Yosemite) 이상
Core i5 이상

个人信息收集以及使用指南 (需要)

个人信息收集以及使用指南 (需要)
Purpose of collection and use Collect items Retention and period of use
distinguishing for a specific individuals ID, password, name, gender, date of birth, e-mail address, device information Up to withdrawal of membership

* You have the right to refuse consent to the collection and use of personal information, and if you refuse consent, use of some EBS Internet services will be restricted.
* Additional information can be collected through a separate agreement from the other service processes.


个人信息收集以及使用指南 (自选)
Purpose of collection and use Collect items Retention and period of use
distinguishing for a specific individuals gender, mobile phone number Up to withdrawal of membership
检查使用区域信息 Local information

* Even if you refuse to agree registration is available.